
當閣下使用本CANMAKE TOKYO應用程式及相關工具時 (以下統稱為「程式」),閣下同意作為CANMAKE TOKYO於香港品牌總代理Bou Eki Company Limited (以下統稱為「我們」或「本公司」)所附加於本程式的私隱政策及使用條款所約束。我們會尊重閣下之私隱,亦竭力維護閣下之個人資料得到保密。此私隱政策適用於我們提供的所有產品及服務,包括但不限於「CANMAKE TOKYO」為名稱的程式及其他程式軟件。我們承諾遵守並會確保所收集、傳送、儲存及使用的個人資料遵照香港《個人資料(私隱)條例》(486)之要求。若提供個人資料予我們,則被視作同意此私隱政策。而我們在遵行上述的要求時,會確保僱員遵守最嚴格的安全及保密標準。






A. 閣下在登記成為本程式或之用戶及透過程式購物時,閣下將會被要求向我們提供個人資料,包括 稱謂、姓名、電郵地址、出生日期、性別、電話號碼、手提電話號碼、住宅或工作地址及送貨地址等(「個人資料」)。


B. 請注意閣下必須提供某些類別的個人資料(在收集時會列明)。倘若閣下未能提供任何被標記為必須提供的個人資料,我們可能無法向閣下提供我們程式上可供享用之會員產品購買、累計積分優惠活動及服務 (包括登記閣下成為Canmake Tokyo普通及尊貴會員)




2A 假如閣下提供任何個人資料予我們,即閣下授權我們收集、保留及使用閣下之個人資料,以被用於下列目的:


      I. 提供Canmake Tokyo旗下品牌之任何活動、產品及服務資訊和Canmake Tokyo與商業夥伴合作的活動及市場推廣活動,內容包括但不限於:展覽推廣活動;消費類電子產品;電腦及其周邊產品;印刷品;優惠券及禮品券;


      II. 宣傳及推廣Canmake TokyoBou Eki Company Limited 之任何產品及服務,如發送優惠資訊及推廣資訊;




      IV. 核實會員之身分;


      V. 跟會員作行政通知及通訊而聯絡會員及回應會員之查詢、意見或要求;


      VI. 處理及跟進服務要求、查詢及投訴;


      VII. 進行研究或統計分析,以改善我們的產品及服務,協助本公司之市場推廣之未來發展及/或活動推廣;及


      VIII. 就上述任何目的,或依照法律要求,或就閣下提出的任何意見或要求而作出任何披露。


2B 閣下並同意我們可披露及轉移(無論在香港或海外)閣下之個人資料予我們就以下服務所聘用之第三方服務提供者: (A) 資料輸入服務;(B)管理客戶資料庫服務;(C) 與客戶聯繫服務(而服務提供者可能會就宣傳推廣、產品獎賞、禮券、獎賞換領和客戶服務聯絡閣下);(D) 安全處置資料服務 ( 「第三方服務提供者」)。此等第三方服務提供者均對我們負有保密責任,及僅獲許可就以上第2A項所指明之目的披露及轉移(無論在香港或海外)閣下之個人資料, 並不能就該等第三方服務提供者自身的目的而使用(包括直接市場銷售)


2C 在有需要時我們可披露及轉移(無論在香港或海外)閣下的個人資料予本公司的專業顧問、執法機關、保險公司、政府和監管機構及其他組織作上文第2A項所列明之用途。


2D 我們只會在得到閣下同意或表示不反對的情況下,使用閣下的姓名、電話號碼、住宅地址/其他地址及電郵地址,向閣下提供與Canmake Tokyo 會員及/或您的程式賬戶和透過您的程式賬戶可換領之產品/服務有關的市場推廣資訊。


2E 我們可能會就不同目的(包括市場推廣和宣傳)將總體資料在閣下身份不會被識別的情況下提供予第三方,及可能使用此資料以便更了解閣下的需要及改善和調整本公司的產品及服務。


2F 就以上第2A項所述之任何目的或因與此等目的有關,閣下提供的何任個人資料將由我們保留,並可由我們的員工、任何我們所聘用之第三方服務提供者以上第B.3 項所提及之第三方查閱。








除個人資料外,任何由訪客傳送或登載於CANMAKE TOKYO或本程式內所轉載連結之網站的問題、評語、建議或資料均被視作非保密及非專有的基礎上自願提供予我們。我們保留在其他地方自由使用、複製、披露、傳送、刊載、廣播及/或登載該等資料的權利,包括將該等資料提供給任何關聯公司,例如為產品及服務的開發、製造和推廣及為滿足顧客的需要。












根據香港私隱條例,閣下有權查閱我們持有有關閣下的個人資料及要求更正閣下的個人資料。 閣下如對此私隱政策有任何疑問,或如欲查閱或更正閣下之個人資料,可將閣下的要求以書面方式傳送至以下電郵 [email protected]或傳真至26190660予本公司資料保障主任。











Privacy Policy


By using the Canmake Tokyo Application and related widget (if any) (collectively, the “Application”), you agree to be bounded by Canmake Tokyo Application Privacy Policy and Terms of Use imposed by Bou Eki Company Limited, which is the sole agent of Canmake Tokyo in Hong Kong (“Bou Eki” or “we” or “us” or “our” shall be construed accordingly). We recognize the importance of your privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to all products and services provided by us including but not limited to the Application or such other program of software named as Canmake Tokyo. We pledge to comply with the requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (“Ordinance”) in Hong Kong.


1.Collection of Personal Data


Your privacy is important to us and we have taken steps to ensure that we do not collect information from you more than necessary, which is for us to provide our products and/or services with you and to operate your Canmake Tokyo APP (My Points) and membership .


1A. For registration as our e-member and enjoying e-shopping on the Application, we may ask you to provide personal information when you use the Application. The personal data that we may ask you to supply includes without limitation to name, date of birth, gender, mobile number, email address and delivery address (Collectively “Personal Data”).


1B. Please be noted that it is mandatory for you to provide certain categories of Personal Data (as specified at the time of collection). In case, if you do not provide those market as mandatory, we may not be able to provide you with our products and /or services (including registering you as any level of Canmake Tokyo e-member)


2. Use and Disclosure of Personal Data


2A.If you provide any Personal Data to us , you authorize us to collect , retain and use Personal Data about you for the following purpose : (A) providing any promotion news and marketing promotion information , no limitation to any all promotional channels which including print materials , social media platforms and electronics materials ;(B) any promotion news from Canmake Tokyo and Bou Eki Company Limited ; (C) executing all e-commerce or online shopping activities ; ( D) verifying your identity; (E) providing you with customer services and responding to your queries, feedback or claims with our corresponding representatives ; (F) making such disclosures as may be required for any of the above purposes or as required by law or in respect of any feedback or claims made by you.


2B.You further agree that we may disclose and transfer ( whether in Hong Kong or overseas) your Personal Data to third party service providers engaged by us to provide item (A) data entry services, (B) customer database management, (C) customer contact services ( and service providers may contact you regarding promotions, product rewards, vouchers, redemptions and customer services ) and (D)secure data disposal services ( “ the Third Party “ ). the Third-Party Service Providers are under a duty of confidentiality to us and are only permitted to use your Personal Data in connection with the purposes specific in Item No2 above, but not for their own purposes (including direct marketing)


2C. When necessary, we may also disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or overseas) your Personal Data to our professional advisers, law enforcement agencies, insures, government and regulatory and other organizations for purposes specific in Item No 2 above.


2D. We may only use your name, phone number, email address and contact or delivery address with your consent or with your indication of no objection to provide marketing promotion materials to you relating to Canmake Tokyo – Membership and Bonus point redemption, including goods by all Canmake Tokyo related companies


2E. We may share unidentified aggregate data with third parties for various purposes (including marketing and advertising), and may use this data in order to better understand your needs and to improve and adapt to our products and services.




Personal Data held by us relating to Canmake Tokyo App will be kept confidential in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


Any questions, comment, suggestions or information other than Personal Data sent or posted via Canmake Tokyo App or other subsidiary online platform under us by visitors will be deemed voluntarily provided to us on a non-confidential and non-proprietary basis. We reserve the right to use, reproduce, disclose, transmit, publish, broadcast and /or post elsewhere such information freely, including passing it to any associated company for example, in connection with the development, manufacture and marketing of products and services and to meet customer needs.


When you provide your personal information to us, only authorized Bou Eki Company Limited Staff and Third-Party Service Providers appointed by Bou Eki Company Limited, have access right to retrieve these information for carrying out their job duties.




Canmake Tokyo App may contain links to other apps, websites and/or webpages which are operated by third parties. We have no control over the content of the linked apps, websites and /or webpages or the way in which the operators of those apps, websites and/or webpages deal with your Personal Data. You should review the privacy policy for those third-party apps, website and/or webpages to understand the ways in which your Personal Data may be used by those third parties.


Access and Correction


Under the Ordinance, you have the right of access to Personal Data held by us about you and to request correction of your Personal Data. If you have any questions, you may send your request in writing to [email protected] or fax to 26190660.




There may be some instances where we may charge a reasonable administration fee to cover the costs of providing Personal Data.




We will continously review and update the policy if necessary. We will collect, use and retain the personal data under our latest policy.

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